Friday 18 May 2012

Work vs Reality

I have been a bit quiet over the past week, mainly because I have had so much going on! I officially live with my parents whilst I save money, but spend most of my time at my boyfriends. This means when I am with him I rarely get much done - we have been together 5 months so we are very much in the honeymoon period and love spending time together, so I always feel he is a welcomed distraction. This makes me feel so guilty though, I know I am not giving my course or my writing enough time and attention and know I would be really struggling right now if I was doing a bigger course, such as the 60 credit course I plan to do next. I am also doing a lot of exercise at the moment as am trying to lose weight and again this also takes up my time.

I am working through my course and enjoying all of it, which has really surprised me. The Poetry assignment went well and I am just about to start my assignment on the History section which I think will go well also. Surprisingly, I have actually really enjoyed the History section; I thought this would be the section I would struggle most with. It has absolutely confirmed my ambition to study. I enjoy it and gain a high level of satisfaction from it and am keen to complete the degree. The writing has come to a halt over the past week, I think mainly because I just haven't had the time.

The past week has highlighted that I cannot keep juggling everything evenly, something has to give a little to allow priority tasks to be completed. I definitely need to be much more strict with myself and managing my time, dedicating more time to doing my work. This is a habit I feel I must get in to if I am going to stand a chance of successfully completing my next course.

Unfortunately I think this means spending less time with the boyfriend, which I hope he will understand. I think this must be such a common thing for everyone with extra hobbies etc. There must be a lot of understanding partners and families out there, especially for eager OU students life myself!

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