Saturday 26 May 2012

New job title: Trainee Travel Writer!

Decision made! I have now signed up to a twelve week course to become a Travel Writer! This is so exciting, I already want to sign up to the Travel Photography course too! Let's face it the two go hand in hand so it is easy to justify doing both right...?

I have also had my feedback from my second assignment and I passed with flying colours! Yay! The only section I 'just achieved' on was to do with my references which I knew would happen as I wasn't sure about one of my references when I submitted it. I am over the moon! This means I should do really well on my final EMA and will hopefully get a distinction for the whole module :) yay go me!

So, now to the Arts section which I cannot wait for. We are going to London soon so I can use it as an excuse to finally go to the Damian Hirst exhibition which is going to be unbelievable. I can't wait! I am hoping I do well with the Arts section, this is the section I am most looking forwards to and it will be just typical that I am rubbish at it.

We are also getting organised now for travelling. Applying for visas, travel insurance, passports and getting very painful injections... in both arms I might add... at the same time...ouch!

Dean has also decided he wants to be a football coach and has just enrolled on a course to gain his level 1 qualification. This is great news as it means we now both have a good idea of our future careers and should be able to apply these skills in Australia.

I am now going to challenge myself to research as my travel articles as possible to get a good idea of what I need to include in my writing style. I am also hoping to get a new phone asap so I can upload more photos to my posts.

Happy Saturday!

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