Sunday 29 April 2012

Trip to Scotland and Assignment Feedback

Last week was an intensely busy week! Me and Dean went up to Scotland for a few days to escape and really indulge in each other - and indulge we did...
We saw some beautiful landscapes - Loch Tay, Falls of Dochart and the Acharn Waterfall. It was a wonderful trip with some gorgeous food too and we had a really relaxing time. Hopefully pictures will be up soon but typically I am having to wait for Dean to upload them as we used his camera.In the mean time, here is a photograph of Loch Tay borrowed from here, strangely another blog with exactly the same layout! (Great minds think a like...)

I also submitted my first assignment (woop) and received some great feedback (double woop)! Surprisingly I actually managed to convince my tutor that I knew what I was talking about with poetry analysis and the main feedback was actually about my writing style and format. I am pleased because this is something I can easily work on, I haven't actually written an essay in about 5 or 6 years so I am allowed to be a little rusty. Unfortunately the OU came back to me and advised that they do not advise studying whilst travelling and it may hinder me with being successful at the course. This however does not mean I am writing the idea off! I am still going to keep it in mind until towards the end of my module when I will have a better understanding of my abilities with distance learning.

Now that I am back I will be able to post more frequently - yay :)

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