Tuesday 17 April 2012

Assignments and Damian Hirst

I have not had any internet connection for a while so have not had an opportunity to do any research on uni courses etc. (First week staying at Deans whilst his parents were away on hols - it went well! Definitely shows living together potential wooop!).

I seriously need to complete my first assignment as I'm sure you can imagine it is a bit impossible to get anything done when I am with Dean. I did start it though...whilst listening to Dean's band at band practise..... which could only have heightened my risk of tinnitus whilst I sat next to the amp.

I am definitely serious about developing my writing skills and the Open University offer free modules on their Open Learn website which is such a great resource to dip your toe in to a variety of subjects. I plan to have a go at the creative writing courses to get a better idea of my writing potential. Annoyingly I have actually started a creative writing module but didn't back up my laptop and lost everything when it crashed a few months ago - to say I was gutted would be an understatement!

Another aspect I would to learn more of is Art. I attempted an Arts course previously and failed miserably, mainly because I could clearly see how rubbish I was and cannot draw at all. So Arts history is the way forwards I think. Myself and Dean are planning to spend some time in London soon so I will hopefully visit the Tate Modern and Tate Britain.... I have to visit the Damian Hirst exhibition!! This trip should also help whilst I am studying the Arts section on my current module.

I have already watched the programme on Channel 4, presented by Noel Fielding which explores some of Hirst's main pieces at the exhibition and he discusses his inspiration behind them. You have to watch this if you are a fan! It is available on 4OD. The Skull is my favourite piece and the main one I am hoping to see at the exhibition...

The piece is called 'For the Love of God', and is constructed using a human skull which has been coated in flawless diamonds.. it is phenomenal. I cannot wait to see it!

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