Tuesday 5 June 2012

The Degree Plan

As you have probably worked out by now, I am very busy at the moment. I am doing two courses at once, planning and arranging the necessities to go travelling in September and also trying to maintain some form of a social life!

I re-wrote the assignment which I am just going to give you a link to. I think it is way better but am now waiting for the feedback on it.


I have started the art section of my OU course and it is actually going really well. It is a good memory exercise as there are so many terms to remember! I am used to hearing composition, horizon etc etc but now I am learning a whole new world of terms such as colour value, pictorial space and picture planes! Trying to use all of those in an essay is going to be an interesting and probably seriously confusing experience.

I haven't done many more writing exercises recently to be honest as I have just been writing in my journal quite a lot and finding that the travel writing assignments are good practise anyway.

Unsurprisingly I have considered changing my mind again about doing OU courses whilst I travel. At this point in time we genuinely have no idea how long we will be away for, it may be for 1.5 years or 2.5 years or longer if we decide to go to additional places. I have found in the OU study rules that I can still be eligible to do courses and pay UK fees if I am working out of the UK. This is only for a maximum of 3 years but still opens up new possibilities for me. I have worked out I can do at least 3 modules during that time which will aid my writing skills and do not have end of year exams. These are the compulsory arts past and present module followed by the two creative writing modules. It will cost a lot less money too and ensure I am still eligible for the cheaper fees if we decide to come back to the UK. I am still going to wait until I have finished my current OU course before I make a decision and I have until August before registration closes which gives me more time.

The other option is an Australian OU degree in Publishing and Journalism which would tie in well with my travel writing. One thing is for sure, I am definitely going to have a degree by the time I am 30! Here's to the 5 year plan :)


  1. This reads like the opening chapter of a great thriller, don't know why but there's something a little sinister behind all the everydayness. I love how you recreated the dance of early relationship - comfortable but still feeling each other out a bit.

  2. Ah thank-you! It is great to hear feedback, it was a tough piece to do but really enjoyable. I am pleased you enjoyed it! :)
